I recently played a game of Mountain Witch which I would
like to tell everyone about ! It was so amazing I must share!
Stole this Amazon. Yeah, that's how I roll. |
Obviously, I can only relate my account of events. It would
be interesting to know what the other players were experiencing; there were
certainly some bits I missed by leaving the room. I’m going to try to switch
back and forth between what segments of the fiction which emerged and an
account of the actual play.
We had Josh as GM and (if you don’t know Mountain Witch) the
rest of us played ronin hired to take on the dangerous task of killing the
powerful and god-like Mountain Witch. A fantastic wealth was promised to us if
we could do this task.
Justin playing Kagome (Dog, Yellow), who was a female samurai
whose lord had been defeated in battle and who planned to kill herself after
getting the money to completing some final task. Important to the game later,
Kagome could smell fear itself and she had the preternatural skill to shoot
anything she could smell. Alice played gray-haired Miyoko (Tiger, Silver) who
was an older samurai who had become ronin after he made a reckless tactical
mistake that led to his lord’s son dying in a rout, and hoped to reprove his
loyalty with the reward money. Miyoko had a thousand shuriken hidden on his
body and the ability to browbeat those who disagreed with him. Colin played
Shigeru (Dragon/Green), a strong warrior who had willingly left his lord’s
service, intent on raising funds for his own army and banner men, thus becoming
his own lord. He had his armor and warhorse with him, which he rarely
dismounted, meaning he often spoke down to the rest of us. Peter played Honzo
(Red, Monkey), a man with plain features and red armor, who had been thrown out
of his lord’s service due to an overheard insult. Honzo was a sneak, able to go
where he liked without notice. I played Goro (Blue, Rat), a cynical man with
sharp features who rumors say killed his wife and his lord after discovering
them in a delicate situation. Blue tattoos covered his skin and he the ability
to speak to birds and had a loyal crow who perched on his shoulder, Tsuba.
Note I only discussed a few of the powers, those I remember
that became important to the fiction. Character creation was very good, we did
powers like ala Settlers of Cataan town placement, where started at one end and
then curled back around in opposite order (and then back again), so that there
was some free equality in how powers were decided. It was probably unnecessary
though, cause I think we each had very different ideas of what ronin powers
should be.
An interesting thing which has happened is that there’s
already been considerable drift in what I can remember from the game. Was Honzo
shorter than the rest of us? Peter is somewhat short and as the game went on,
he deliberately stooped in his chair, becoming even shorter. But I’m pretty
certain Honzo started off at average height. I don’t remember if Colin
described Shigeru as a giant, but that’s what he was by the end in my mind: a
towering man of incredible strength. None of this was stated *I think*, and so
I worry that means many of the things I say here may very much be not even have
been part of the spoken narrative, but speaking with Peter suggests I was not
the only one who saw these same shifts in our characters. Peter speaks of how
Kagome became sterner and more like steel, how Miyoko became desperate and
tired, more ferocious in his mission, how Goro (me) became more cryptic, solemn
and quiet. I saw all of these things too in play, but I don’t think they were
actually stated. Some of these shifts in appearance and personality (like my
character’s) contrasted pretty strongly with the original characterization in
act 1.
The first scene in Act 1 started with Honzo looking over at
us and saying “Shall we go?” and starting our way into the forest at the base
of the mountain. Soon we were in an encounter with wolves, which turned violent
thanks to Kagome. Honzo and Goro stayed out of the fight, which ended quickly.
Shortly after, a servant girl named Kono appeared from the forest, pleading
with Shigeru to not kill the Mountain Witch. She claimed that both of them had
once been in the Witch’s employ, but he refused to deal with her. Further on,
the ronin had to cross a bridge in the forest and had to deal with the ghost of
a warrior who had once followed Miyoko, but was browbeat by both Miyoko and
Honzo to let them cross. Goro crossed on his own, leaping across the river.
Kagome did not trust Goro and tried to follow, only to almost drown. Tsuba told
Goro that Goro had to save Kagome, although Goro was angry that Kagome did not
trust him. Still, he reluctantly had Tsuba drop a rope in the river to pull her
All of the above had been framed by Josh, who then passed it
on to one of us to frame, based on our dark fate. I volunteered and narrated us
coming across a man holding his daughter, who was dead of mysterious cause.
Kagome identified correctly that she was poisoned, having committed suicide in
the same way as her mother. The father was distraught, and tried to kill
himself with the poison to find answers to his daughter’s death. Miyoko
considered this dishonorable and took the poison with her. Honzo, as he did
repeatedly later in the game, claimed all of this was an illusion, trickery
from the witch.
Next, we entered a place which Honzo later called the Vale
of Dead Flesh, where we were attached by the restless dead, only to be saved by
a magic word from Honzo. He claimed he knew this word because he had, in fact,
been up the mountain to the Witch before but refused to explain how or why. The
rest of the ronin presumed the word could only come from the Witch. We then
came to a withered holy tree, tended by a spirit disguised a priest. Only
Kagome considered herself worthy to go near the holy place, and it turned out
the priest held a message for Miyoko. Kagome broke the sealed message open, to
discover that it was from Ai, the former charge of Miyoko. She was headstrong, and she was going up the
mountain to face the Mountain Witch before us (maybe to save Miyoko from facing
the Witch?). Following this, (Peter framing) we found a burial mound at a
crossroads, which caused Honzo to freak out. Kagome shot it with her rifle and
a severed child’s hand tumbled out of the mound. Goro recognized the hand and
freaked out, but the hand vanished mysteriously in the ensuing chaos.
At this point no one trusted anything: both Shigeru and Honzo
appeared to be (at least former) servants of the Witch and Goro regularly
whispered things to Tsuba in bird-tongue who would then fly away and return
some time later. Miyoko and Kagome were fast relying on each other as the only
two trustworthy members of the ronin. Shigeru constantly tried to deflect
suspicion on himself by questioning the motives of Honzo and Goro. Goro was
adamant that his goal was to kill the witch and Honzo was equally adamant that
his goal was to complete ‘the Mission’.
Kagome did not trust either Goro or Honzo. As the group
crested a hill, she whispered to herself that she had smelled no fear yet on
one of the men she travelled with, and that her mission would be to kill the
Witch, but also to make this man feel fear and kill him.
We camped (end of Act 1), taking turns at watch. There was a
scene I wasn’t in the room for, where I think the Witch invaded the dreams of
Miyoko and/or Kagome, and there was something involving the bottle of poison
(??). Later in the night, during Goro’s
watch, which Kagome forced him to share with her, Kagome saw him conversing
again with his crow, who flew off, up the mountain.
Trust point change time! It was clear Kagome didn’t trust
Goro, and I reciprocated by dropping trust points with Kagome down to one. I
increased Goro’s trust for Honzo, but I was the only one, and Miyoko. Overall,
much trust was lost for both Honzo and Goro.
In the morning (now Act 2), the warriors were greeted by a
friendly 40 foot tall rock giant, who claimed he was the chancellor of the
Witch. No one trusted him. He gave the ronin a bundle of food and passed on a
message from the Witch, who politely suggested they should give up their
mission. He also deposited a bundle of gold, a gift for the true servant of the
Witch among the group. Only Shigeru touched either of these bundles, taking
some food while the others were leaving. Goro told the chancellor to tell the
Witch that nothing would turn Goro from his task. As the ronin walked off,
Tsuba flew back, snatching a note hidden among the Chancellor’s gold. The crow
gave it to Goro who read it and tried to throw it away in a sudden fit. Shigeru
grabbed the note with his spear and read it: it was “Kikuya”, the name of
Goro’s dead wife… and a name which Miyoko had heard Kagome utter in her sleep
last night. Tensions between Goro and Kagome almost peaked, but Kagome won the
staring match. Goro came away only knowing she knew… something about his wife.
We came to a crossroads, where we could travel either by
tunnels or by the precipice road, and Kono appeared to plead with Shigeru again
and declaring her love for him, asking him to think of the things the Witch had
done for both her and Shigeru. Shigeru (or someone) threatened to kill her if
she did not leave. Taking the precipice road, the ronin were faced with ice
demons and their fierce winds, who tried to shove them off the mountain. Goro
sliced the wave with his sword, but Tsuba was grabbed by the wind and flung off
far down the mountain (I narrated this). Both Honzo and Shigeru lost their
footing and nearly died, but Honzo used another magic word and Shigeru called
on the Witch to honor their deal. Having survived, the ronin quickly made it to
an inviting cave where Honzo and Shigeru might have been interrogated if the
cave wasn’t already occupied (I framed). An old man sat by a campfire and
offered to tell samurai a tale as they tended to their wounds and dried out by
the fire. He told of an emperor in a far off land, who realized he was
disliked, so he made himself so hated that his people stormed the palace and
killed him, but he had last laugh because- at which point in the story, Goro
sliced off the old man’s head and covered Shigeru and Kagome with blood.
The ronin exploded into distrust, with Shigeru trying to
deflect suspicion on himself by instead trying to claim that Goro and Honzo
must be spies of the witch. Honzo’s sanity was clearly slipping and Peter was
fantastic, stooping to look smaller and smaller, grinning and mumbling
constantly about how they had to complete the Mission. The nearly violent
dynamic between Colin as Shigeru (who grew somehow to be a giant samurai full
of arrogance and bluster) versus the impish and unwell Honzo was probably the
most memorable part of the game. It was clear Honzo had been up the mountains
many times and Goro seemed to withdrawl emotionally following killing the old
man, becoming ever more solemn and cryptic, only being adamant that they must
kill the Witch. Honzo seemed to have almost become a risk but his clear
experience with the mountain path was too valuable to force him from the group.
Goro asked Honzo if he was the ‘next one’ but Honzo had no idea what Goro was
talking about.
Miyoko seemed the most sane of the ronin, but not for long.
Travelling on, they found a scabbard for a woman’s sword, which Miyoko
remembered giving to Ai. It was clear that a struggle had occurred here but
there was not trace of Miyoko’s former student. He became obsessed with moving
on to the palace and making sure Ai did not die like the men who Miyoko had
once led to their doom. As they entered the volcano, they snuck past several
trolls, preparing a mortal for dinner. Honzo recognized the man as his former
lord but was completely indifferent to this emotionally, stating that it was
clearly another illusion.
The ronin made their way down to the Witch’s stronghold, to
the bridge which marked the edge of his demesne. There, Kikuya’s ghost appeared
and warned her sister, Kagome, to not trust Him, and she seemed to not notice
Goro’s presence at all. Goro went into emotional trauma again, begging Kikuya
for answers: was she having an affair with his lord? Had their deaths been
righteous or not? Did she forgive him for what had happened to their daughter?
No response and the ghost left having given its message to Kagome. Suddenly, as
if a spell was broken, Goro could see that Kagome was nearly identical to his
dead wife. He begged Kagome to forgive him, that he had thought Kikuya was
keeping something from him, that he was sorry that he had killed Kikuya.
Kagome informed him
that he hadn’t killed Kikuya… Kagome WAS Kikuya! The two sisters had switched
their names when Goro had become arranged as ‘Kagome’s husband-to-be, so that
Kikuya was spared the harsh life of a woman samurai. Goro was in tears, as
‘Kagome’ told him that they would kill the witch, but then she would kill him
for the death of her sister. Goro, suddenly angry, told Kagome that the only
thing that mattered was that the witch must die.
Trust points continued to evaporate and cluster although I
can’t remember all the details. Goro trusted Honzo and Shigeru highly (4 and 3)
to kill the witch, but both of them could not trust him nor each other. Miyoko
continued to trust Goro somewhat (2) and Kagome (who had been saved repeatedly
now by Goro, but also intended to kill him) gave Goro a single trust point.
Goro trust Miyoko also to kill the witch, but could not trust Kagome, knowing
that Kagome meant to kill him. Miyoko and Kagome continued to be bound tightly
in trust. I think trust evaporated for Honzo completely except for Goro’s
trust, and the same for Shigeru.
At the start of act three, Tsuba reappeared, landing on
Goro’s shoulder, where he told Goro that the shadow puppet was ready. Goro
nodded. The ronin entered a great plain before the Witch’s mighty fortress,
only to face an army of several thousand vicious Oni. In the face of great and
violent death, the ronin ran, with Shigeru taking lead and pulling a note from
his armor with a map of the fortress on it. The oni pursued with no mercy.
Miyoko tripped and Kagome tried to help him, only for Goro to grab both of them
from behind and pull them up. He told Kagome he had no intention of letting the
real Kikuya die also. At a shear cliff wall, Shigeru uttered a magic word which
opened a secret entrance to the Witch’s library and then sealed it after the
other ronin stepped through, saving everyone from death. Goro wondered where
the note had come from, and the crow whispered that he’d given the note to
Shigeru. (In play we knew it came from the Witch, and there was some confusion
when I said that the crow had told me this. I think some thought I was making a
joke. I was not.) Shigeru explained he had once worked for the Witch but he was
now completely devoted to killing the witch.
In the library, Honzo began leading the ronin through
hallway after maze-like hallway, searching for the book of souls. Shigeru and
Goro separated from the others, with Kagome following Goro refusing to let him
be alone and contact the Witch. She was now convinced that Goro was the servant
of the witch. Miyoko stayed with Honzo, who Kagome and Miyoko agreed was much
more dangerous than Shigeru.
(Colin narrating)
Shigeru, by himself, wandered to an isolated section, where he pulled out a
hand mirror. The hideous visage of the Witch formed there, and told Shigeru
that he had done well, having brought the ronin to the stronghold so that the
Witch might absorb their souls. Shigeru thanked his lord and saw a vision of
the vast wealth and mighty kingdom he would rule as his reward. Shigeru added
that he wanted his love (Kono?) by his side. In play, there was an odd bit here
where several of us rechecked our Dark Fate cards. I had some pretty complex
narrative plans in particular, and I felt somewhat impatient to have my own
dark conference with the Witch to clarify what I’d been hinting at all
game-long. It wasn’t going to happen though, not with Kagome around. I just had
to take solace in the fact that I knew my Dark Fate gave me the end-all-be-all
narrative control over the elements of my own Dark Fate and that I’d be able to
tie my outlook in eventually.
Honzo found the tome of souls (he knew exactly where it was
already, having been there before). It was a giant book, bound by chains and
lightning. It could kill any mortal who touched it. Honzo was unharmed as he
leafed through it, because he had no soul and proceeded to look for the entry
that would tell him where his soul was. It was in the Witch’s throneroom.
Miyoko requested desperately if they could go to the dungeon, where perhaps Ai
was being kept, but Honzo informed him that he had looked up Ai in the tome and
she was also in the throne room.
Meanwhile, Goro revealed all to Kagome: He had killed her
sister and his lord in a moment of passion, believing that they were cheating
behind his back, and that then he had run in cowardice. In absentia, Goro was
punished by his lord’s family by his daughter with Kikuya being executed. His
sin knew no end, but he could make it right. He asked Kagome to trust him: if
the Witch died, ‘Kikuya’ would be returned to this world. Kagome said she would
help in killing the Witch, but Goro would die soon after if there was any
treachery. Goro conceded to this. Shigeru, Miyoko and Honzo reappeared, at
which Goro tried to sneak away. It was almost too easy for Kagome to shoot Goro
through a bookcase, leaving him wounded and unable to get away. He was not,
would not, be out of Kagome’s sight again.
It was at this point that Josh said he knew what all our
dark fates were. He was mostly wrong. I don’t think any of us knew who the
others fates were.
We made our way through the palace until we got to the hall
of crystals, the anteroom to the throne room. (Alice narrating) Miyoko glanced
in one crystal and suddenly was back as the master samurai, teaching tender Ai
the art of the blade. His soul began to leak out into the crystal and Kagome
grabbed him, trying to tear his gaze from the crystal, only for her own eyes to
fall on one. (Justin narrating) Kagome saw an image of her and her sisters as
happy innocent children, but she pushed this to the back of her mind and saved
Miyoko. (Colin narrating) Shigeru looked and could only see his anger and
jealously, how he had seen the riches of the lords and how wanted them,
particularly the love they received. He would lead the rest of us to our deaths
and take all of the wives of his former lords as his own. (Peter narrating) Honzo
walked through unimpeded, for he had no soul.
(I narrating) Goro looked at the crystal and saw first
himself, as a samurai. He had led his lord’s men to victory, and there was a
grand celebration. Then he looked over and saw his wife and his lord talking
quietly. Goro’s heart darkened at that moment. He always knew his wife held
something from him, had some secret she would not tell him. Was it that she did
not love him, maybe loved another? Then the vision changed, now it was later,
after Goro had killed his wife and lord in anger and killed his daughter in
cowardice. It was now the throne room of the god-like Mountain Witch, with the
mighty monster of ice and fire that was the Witch sitting on his throne. A ruined
man was dragged in by Oni, “We found this one trying to commit suicide in the
forest below!” they cried. Let me die, Goro pleaded. The Mountain Witch laughed
and offered to undo Goro’s sins. The Witch told Goro of the Emperor’s tale,
this time including the ending: that the hated emperor had arranged for a
double and so it was not the Emperor that was killed. Instead, the hated
Emperor had abandoned his life as a disliked ruler and escaped to die at an old
age, as a happy and fat peasant. The Witch wanted to do the same: he no longer
wished to be hunted and hated but instead to leave his power and trapping
behind. So, here was the plan: the Witch had selected several powerful ronin
and Goro’s task was to lead them up the mountain. They all had their reasons to
hate and despise the Witch and he would give them even more, except one, who he
had groomed to be the Witch’s replacement, to become the next Witch. All Goro
had to do was help the Witch fake his own death and destruction.
Finally, the visions faded and now it was a reflection of
Goro, but the thing on his should was not his crow, was not Tsuba, it had never
been. It was the Witch. The Witch had been with the ronin as Goro’s crow the
entire journey. The thing that sat on the throne in the next room was the
shadow-doll, ready to be slaughtered.
We entered the throne room (no one shifted Trust), and saw
the giant Witch-Shadow-doll of ice and fire sitting on the throne. Ai was
trapped in a block of ice, forced to dance for his enjoyment. Miyoko stepped
forward and battle commenced, with Honzo immediately running off to look for
his soul among the witch’s treasures. Shigeru went after him (I think?),
because he needed all of our souls to be absorbed into the Witch (or was it the
shadow puppet? was the witch lying to someone? there was still doubt here for
us at the table about who knew the truth of the situation). I cannot remember
what Kagome was doing during this portion, but I know that Miyoko and Goro
fought the ‘Witch’, with Goro eventually distracting it while getting burned by
fire. The distraction worked long enough for Miyoko to kill the god monster,
filling throne room with a rolling cloud of steam and melted ice. The crow
cawed and Goro dropped his blade. The bird took off down a distant hallway,
past piles of treasure and wealth. Goro followed, followed by Kagome, readying
her rifle.
Miyoko strode forward and dug Ai out of the melting ice,
making sure she was okay. Shigeru, full of rage and fury that the Witch was
dead, attacked Miyoko and the two dueled as Ai watched helplessly. It ended
with Miyoko’s shuriken in Shigeru’s eye, his blood seeping out into the melted
water that had once formed the ice-body of the Witch/shadowdoll.
Far off in a distance section of the throne room, Honzo
found the pot with his name on it, opened it and… it was empty. Suddenly he
remembered, very briefly: he had no soul. He never had! He was just a creation
of the Witch’s, given memories as a toy, a plaything, an eternal traveler who
would forever gather ronin and then shepherd them up the mountain to the
stronghold, while he looked for his soul. And then… poof, Honzo simply stopped
Meanwhile, the crow landed on a giant clay pot, next to two
other giant pots. The bird cawed several instructions to Goro and then flew off
to freedom, out a window, supposedly to a new life where it was no longer the
Witch. Goro smashed the pots open: within one was his former lord, within the second
was ‘Kikuya’/the real Kagome, and the third held their daughter. Each pot was
also full of rice vinegar, and as each spilled out, they coughed and began to
breathe. The witch had kept his promise: this was Kikuya and the others truly
returned to life. The samurai known as Kagome ran forward to cradle her sister.
Goro begged for forgiveness… he no longer needed her to return to give him
answers, he knew now, thanks to Kagome, what secret she had been keeping.
But even in this moment of happiness, some sins cannot be
fully undone, some things cannot return to how they were. ‘Kagome’ would not
take her revenge, she would not kill Goro. But she did force Goro to leave, to
turn his back and never come near her sister or niece ever again. His reward
and other riches for killing the Witch would be split between his wife and his
lord, now returned to life, to make up for his crime.
Our epilogues are great, and I’m gonna do a bit of curating
here in the order I report them. This is not the order we narrated them.
Miyoko returned to his former lord and begged forgiveness, giving
his lord his money, and finishing Ai’s training. Kagome, once she had made sure that her sister
and niece were well taken care of and that Goro would never come back, killed
herself, following her fallen lord into the afterlife. Goro left and never
picked up a weapon again, living a lonely life as a monk, but knowing some
peace in that his sin was undone and his family lived once more. At night though, he would hear a crow and
wonder if perhaps he had replaced one crime with another.
In the throne room below, the water the shadow puppet was
made of began to freeze again, reforming, only now Shigeru’s soul was pulled
out his dying body, his blood intermingling, his flesh changing. He became the
new Mountain Witch, with all the power and riches he had ever wanted, all the
maidens and wives he could ever desire, but trapped in a body of ice and fire
with no escape and no way to love another.
Tsuba, i.e. the crow, i.e. the Witch, flew around the stronghold
several times after the ronin left, then flew into a tiny room at the top of a
tower. Kono sat there and the crow landed on her shoulder. “Again, again!” she
cried. “Let’s do it again!”
Then, at the base of the mountain, we see an average looking
man with plain features, wearing red armor. He glances over a group of ronin he is with. “Shall
we go?” he says to them.
With the game over, we revealed all of our dark fates. As
may be apparent, none except Honzo’s and Kagome’s had been absolutely clear up
until then: Honzo had the other mission, Kagome was revenge, Shigeru was Love,
Miyoko was Loyalty and Goro was Unholy Pact. From what I understand, Josh’s
guesses were mostly off. Somehow, and this wasn’t intentional, most people had
become convinced my dark fate was love.
So, some thoughts.
So, my biggest takeaway, the one that hit me after playing
it was how cohesive the story was at the end. Normally, improv and sharing
narration is great but… in my experience, someone always bends a little to
silliness somewhere or we all forget some plot thread and stuff is left
unanswered at the end. I don’t play a terrible lot of narrativist games, but
this is just something I’d accepted a side-product of allowing shared
narration. I didn’t really get that this time. I don’t know exactly why, maybe
it’s cause narration with respect to our dark fates was inviolate. Maybe other
players felt differently, but I look back on what I just wrote here and its
just freakin’ incredible how cohesive and amazing all of it was.
So, I think I’d laid enough clues that my little spiel in
the crystal room wasn’t a crazy sudden plot punch from the right, but at the
same time Kagome hadn’t given me many options to reveal this narrative twist.
(Just how should an Unholy Pact-man expose his status to the players and not
the characters when one character was watching him like a hawk?) To be honest,
I had been laying the foundation for this twist since Act 1. I’d be interested
to know how much of a shocker this was from the other players. All I know is
that I knew that I considered this my narrative claim as I had the Unholy Pact
as my dark fate: this was the deal the Witch had made with Goro. I think that
having the Dark Fate as your own thing that no one could mess with was really
awesome because it let me.
Now, here’s a thing… I could only explain Colin’s narration as Shigeru being
kind of set-up by the Witch (and, let’s be honest, the things the Witch was
promising Shigeru fit rather well with an interpretation that Shigeru was to
become the replacement Witch). I was really trying hard to make it so it didn’t
de-protagonize him and that just seemed the best option. Becoming the Mountain
Witch is pretty awesome, well, to me at least.
The way it worked out, I was very glad that it had been
unable to get exposed until right before we entered the throne room and it
worked out wonderfully, but that sort of 20 ton thermonuclear plot bomb so
close to the climax could have gone so very badly in many other games. I also
wouldn’t do a twist where the Witch’s unholy pact was to get killed again, but
I think this one time it really worked out well.
Most of us had not played Mountain Witch before; I don’t
know really if anyone had played it before other than Josh. I hadn’t, I had
just wanted to (and to read it… speaking of which, Kleinart, I can’t wait to
buy the next edition now.). Josh, Peter and I were fairly familiar with
narrativist story games. Colin and Alice were new to these types of games. I do
not know Justin’s background. We made pretty good use of the rules. There was A
LOT of fishing (AKA the Mountain Witch trick, i.e. the GM asking leading
questions). So much fishing! Fishing was probably more common than Josh
actually just making statements of narration. And it all worked out pretty
great. In terms of the mechanics on the sheet, we didn’t make a lot of use of
some of them. Betrayal came up, but only once or twice. We never(?) stole
narration from each other, I think. There was a lot of aiding throughout the
So, anyway. That session was freaking incredible.